Join us for the MCPLA Spring Championship, a 1-day tournament open to all men with an active GHIN handicap index. This exciting event will feature some of the finest amateur golfers from the Milwaukee area, competing over 18 holes. With over 700 members in men’s Clubs around the county, the MCPLA has been organizing tournaments since 1934! 18-hole Stableford format - Championship Flight (gross), competing from Black tees - Add'l Flights (net), competing from White tees (max hdcp 36) - Number of "net" flights based on number of entries Tee times starting 7:30am for Champ flight, followed by "net" flights (from low to high hdcps) Hdcps as of may 11th Sign-up deadline is May 10th, 11:59pm Entry fees (including prize fund): - MCPLA member $42 (w/discount card) $49 (without disc card) - MCPLA member with season pass $12 - non-MCPLA member $52 (w/discount card) $59 (without disc card) - non-MCPLA Member with season pass $22 - Riding carts avail as separate purchase at course To signup and/or full details on the event, go to the following (copy and paste into a web browser page): https://bdmgc.golfgenius.com/pages/11437060322813316238
We kick off the 2025 season on March 11 for our first meeting of the 2025 season at Currie Park Clubhouse. All delegates and officers are expected to attend and all members are welcome. Below is our meeting and tournament schedule: MEETINGS: March 11 -- Kickoff Meeting May 6 (general business meeting) June 3 (general business meeting) July 1 (general business meeting) August 5 (general business meeting) September 9 (scheduling meeting at Oakwood) October 7 (final meeting, elections) TOURNAMENTS: MCPLA SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP -- May 18 @ Currie Park MCPLA RYDER CUP -- June 21 @ Greenfield MCPLA 2-MAN BEST BALL -- July 20 @ Oakwood ARNOLD WALKER COUNTY CHAMP'P -- Aug. 23-24 @ Dretzka TEAM MATCH SCHEDULE: May 31 @ Whitnall June 29 @ Dretzka July 19 @ Brown Deer Aug. 2 @ Currie Sept. 13 @ Greenfield
NIMAGA VENUE CHANGE The course has changed from Fox Lakes to Oak Grove Golf Course in Harvard, Illinois. The price has been raised to $75. Please see the flyer below for more details
Arnold Walker Milwaukee County Public Links Association Tournament This is open to all with a usga handicap. The Tournament is flighted by handicap. WSGA Player of the Year points are awarded for top finishers in the Championship Flight. See attached flyer to enter
RESULTS OF JUNE 9 MCPLA Ryder Cup Challenge at Oakwood Park Golf Course Given all the rain, Oakwood was in great condition. The weather threatened but ultimately allowed us all to finish, and was a tight match till the very end. Ultimately, the Greenfield Mens Club prevailed, dethroning trophy-holder Oakdwood Mens Club. The final team standings were: Greenfield: 12.5 points Brown Deer: 11.5 Currie: 10.5 Whitnall: 8.5 Oakwood: 5.5 Grant: 5.5 Special shout out to Tim Nielson, President of the host Oakwood Men's Club and Oakwood Pro Adam Anderson did a fabulous job in their work organizing, officiating, and scoring the event. I want to thank participants from all six teams that competed for what was a very fun and highly competitive event which ended Oakwood's 2-year reign as holders of the MCPLA Ryder Cup. Next year, the event will be held at the home of the new trophy holders at Greenfield Park. Congrats Greenfield. Respectfully, Rich Saks
We are currently unable to offer the 'Reset Password' option for accounts, as we are having issues with our email provider. If you are un-able to login to your account, or do not remember your password, you have a couple of options: - Feel free to create a new account with a new email address that you have access to. - If that is not an option, visit our 'Contact Us' page to send us an email so we can remove your account. Once your account has been removed, we will notify you to 'Sign-Up' again with the same email address. Thanks for your involvement in the MCPLA!
2023 Arnold Walker Tournament Results The Arnold Walker Results are attached here. A great tournament and a great field led to some close finishes, including a 4 hole playoff won by Dave Ullenberg.
The 2023 Best Ball Championship results are available on Blue Golf. For complete results visit.... Tournaments —> Blue Golf Results
MCPLA SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS For complete Blue Golf Results visit: Tournaments --> Blue Golf Results
MCPLA meeting schedule for 2023 March 7, 2023 with guest speaker Andy Gieryn for county updates. May 2, 2023 August 8, 2023 September 5, 2023 scheduling meeting October 3, 2023 officer elections All meetings start at 6:30 PM at the Currie clubhouse unless otherwise noted.
2023 MCPLA Schedule Now on the Website!!!!!!!
2022 Arnold Walker County Championship Tee Times Here are saturday's tee times for next weeks Tournament
NIMAGA APPLICATION Here is the application and information for NIMAGA. Please either pay online or send John a check.
Meeting Change Date: The July 5 MCPLA meeting will be postponed and held instead on August 2nd, 6:30 PM at the Currie Park Clubhouse.
2022 2 Man Best Ball Championship......please see the attached flyer for information on this event.
2022 NIMAGA Event will be contested on Saturday, September 17, 2022. Watch for further updates and the Event entry blank here in the future.
The March 8 meeting will begin at 7:00 PM
MCPLA meeting dates for 2022 all meetings at Currie Park Clubhouse starting at 6:30: March 8, 2022 May 3, 2022 August 2, 2022 September 6, 2022 - Scheduling October 4, 2022 - Elections
It has been reported that some people were having issues on mobile devices with updating or editing their accounts. This has been resolved. If you need to update your Membership Status in your account and are unsure of how to do this, please goto the FAQ page on this site. You can navigate to it by going to.... Our Club > FAQ. An image has been provided on what fields need to be populated in this process. Please reach out with any questions. Thank you!
SPRING CHAMPIONSHIP NEWS>>>>> The 2021 Spring Championship is being moved to Oakwood Park. This is due to the damage last fall of two greens that will not be healed in time for the Tournament. The 2 Man Best Ball Championship will be moved to Whitnall Park.
From the WPGA: We were saddened to hear of the passing of our long-time, dear friend, Arnold Walker. Arnold passed away peacefully yesterday after a short stay in hospice. It seems to me that even though it is sad news, it is time to celebrate the 97 years that Arnold was with us. Arnold was a member of the Wisconsin State Golf Hall of Fame since 2011 and an Honorary Member of the Wisconsin PGA since 2014. In 1998, in honor of everything he did for the Milwaukee County Public Links Association, their championship was renamed the Arnold Walker Milwaukee County Championship. Arnold was also the long-time chair of the marshal committee for the Greater Milwaukee Open. He served on the board of the WSGA for over 20 years while serving as secretary for many of those years. Arnold also served on the executive committee for the Golf Foundation of Wisconsin. Arnold was a Navy veteran who served in World War II. He was married to his wonderful wife Betty for over 63 years until she passed away four years ago. Arnold basically started his post-navy career with Merrill Lynch in New York City, moved to Milwaukee and retired from Merrill Lynch. To say Arnold was a dedicated man would be a gross understatement. Beyond family, golf was Arnold's passion. He volunteered in the game for 60 years. He was not a good player, actually for most of his life, he was not even a decent player. I believe his quote was typically, "I have no game." A round in the 90's was a good day while a round in the 80's was the exception. But, it didn't matter. He loved what the game of golf stands for, he loved the people in the game and did what he could to give back. He gave back more than most. So many of us were fortunate to have spent time with Arnold when we worked at one of the Milwaukee County Parks. He was a hands-on volunteer and helped out at all of the MCPLA events that were hosted at the facilities. We were fortunate to learn rules and operations from such a gentleman. Arnold was a strong advocate of the WPGA and our members. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes encouraging the Milwaukee County Parks to hire PGA professionals to operate their championship courses and create programming to get more people into the game. Arnold was quoted in an article saying he was quite certain the county personnel viewed him as a pest for his constant advocating for the golfers in the community. I had to break the news to Arnold one day that pest was not the word they used to describe him. He laughed at that and said; "Good, I must be getting my point across." For close to 30 years Arnold served as a dedicated rules official for the WPGA and the WSGA. For those that knew him they knew that one of Arnold's biggest passions with tournament play was pace of play. If you didn't know Arnold and you played slowly, Arnold was quick to introduce himself. He had very strong ideals as to how to monitor and enforce pace of play. The WPGA enacted many of his concepts over the years and as a result, our pace of play for the most part, left Arnold with a smile on his face. Thank you, Arnold, for your friendship and your advocacy of so many things the WPGA believes in. We will miss you but we have cherished our countless hours together on the links and in the meeting room. God bless you for everything you have done for golf and the WPGA. At this time there is no obituary but it is expected there will be soon. At this time there is no service scheduled. -- Joe Stadler, PGA Executive Director Wisconsin PGA/WPGA Junior Foundation 11350 W. Theo Trecker Way West Allis, WI 53214 414-443-3570
COVID-19 Update..... Beginning with the 2020 Arnold Walker Milwaukee County Championship and moving forward, all registrants must agree that they have read the MCPLA Covid-19 Stipulations before they will be allowed to register. This is what we are asking you to do: - Each event will have a link to the PDF that covers the guidelines for Covid-19 and tournament play on the Event Page - Please read this PDF - After you have read the PDF, check the box indicating that you have read the agreement - Once you click the box, you will be allowed to register for the event Your registration email will acknowledge that you agree to the stipulations and the MCPLA will also receive an email indicating that you agree to those stipulations as well. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter!
2020 SECOND TEAM Schedule is listed under Team Matches
TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!! 2020 Tournament registration is now open. Log on, click the appropriate drop down box for your membership type, and register.
FEBRUARY 18TH, 2020 WSGA handicap seminar will be held at the County Golf Office starting at 6:30pm. All are encouraged to attend as John Warren will be giving a presentation on the new World Handicap System.
2ND TEAM SCHEDULE FINALIZED & 1ST TEAM ELIMINATED The 2020 2nd team schedule is now finalized and listed in the tournament section of this website. 1st team has been eliminated. In a surprising move, one of our clubs decided they would not field a team, thus causing the elimination of the 1st team in it's current form. We will work during the year to see if there is interest in reviving it in another form.
Registrations for the 2020 MCPLA Tournaments will be available starting the first week of Jan, 2020. Be sure to check back then! Also, a new section for FAQ's has been added as well. You can find it by navigating to ...... Our Club > FAQ
2020 MCPLA Tournament Schedule Finalized!!!!! The 2020 Schedule is as follows: Spring Championship-- May 16 & 17th at Grant Park 2 Man Best Ball Championship-- July 19th at Currie Park Arnold Walker County Championship-- August 29 & 30th at Brown Deer Park NIMAGA -- September 19th @TBA
The Arnold Walker Championship Recap is now available! Complete BLUE GOLF results are available by scrolling down to the 'Recent Blue Golf Result' section on this page.
NIMAGA application is here!!!! Gents, John Haeflinger is looking for players to keep the trophy in Wisconsin!!! Please take a look at your schedule and consider entering this fun event.
MCPLA 2 MAN BEST BALL TOURNAMENT Saturday, July 20, 2019 @ Currie Park Golf Course. Net and Gross awards, based on the number of total entries. 90% handicap will be used based on July 1st handicap. All players must have a verifiable handicap. Entries close at midnight on July 5th, 2019 Go to Tournament page to enter.
MCPLA Spring Championship results are posted here under the meeting and minutes tab.
Sunday tee times are here under meeting minutes.
Deadline extended to Tuesday, May 7th for the MCPLA Spring Championship
Added Season Pass Holder With BrownDeer An additional pricing tier was added in the event you are a Season Passholder that includes Browndeer. Here is what you will want to do to make that change to your profile if that applies to you. 1. Login 2. Click My Profile 3. Click Edit Profile 4. Goto the Membership Status dropdown and select Season Pass Holder With Browndeer 5. Enter your password at the bottom were it says "current password" with the red text. This is needed to save your changes. 6. Click update You are all set! -Mcplawi
TOURNAMENT UPDATE................... The Spring Championship will be flighted with each flight playing from different tees depending on the handicap suggestions. The Two-Man Championship will have both Net and Gross winners this year!!!!
NIMAGA Golf Match is September 21st, not the 28th as previously listed. Anyone interested should contact John Haeflinger.
The much anticipated new MCPLA website is live!!! We are now in the 21st Century with the capability to enter and pay for the tournaments online with your credit card. Gone are the days of checks and entry blanks!! The tournament entry information is online and you are able to enter now. Please note that the 2 man entry is only going to charge you for your part of the entry fee. It will ask your partner’s name, but he will have to register and pay online as well. The Spring Championship is now in place of the former Sr and Mid-Am Tournament. There is no age restriction anymore. It will be a flighted tournament with the net scores being used to decide the winners. There will be a gross winner as well. The Arnold Walker Tournament uses gross scores to determine the winners in each flight. The 2 man Tournament will used 90% handicap for each player to determine the best ball winner. Huge thank you to Wade Carlson for getting our website up and running. Not only is he an expert golfer, but he has changed careers. After 15 years in the golf business, he has ventured into software development. Bear with us as we learn how to post things and improve the functionality as we learn while we go along. We will still use Bluegolf for the scoring of the tournaments but we are able to post pictures of the winners and a tournament recap on this site. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to talk to Brian Pederson or Bob Freuck. Enjoy our new site and check back often and watch it grow!! -BF